Saturday, September 21, 2024

Goose as Alarm for your house

 I have watched  YouTube Brazilian reason use the ghost as the guard. They raise a flock of geese that contains so many geese to guard the prisoner we

know that this has some love song when someone appear  in front of them.

I remember that my stepmother house me is at the proud of Uncle restaurant her live at urban settlement that is suspected so many criminal after many restaurant by the bad people. they are pretend to be a Buyer or the visitor and then they grab cash many at the box.

When a criminal can to the restaurant The block of this sound cloud di and it wake all the restaurant people. Some The pretender I'm in the Robert who written as the visitor are not there to grab restaurant money. 

He is the best is get at least two benefit we get the price meet and the security o using this not guarantee a hundred percent  the security but it can because The rise of the robbery.
Previous article said that a group of turkey cannot lay any chick. I remember my grandfathet also had some turkey that did not lay any eggs.
Image by Nicky ❤️🌿🐞🌿❤️ from Pixabay

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Can a Hen crow

The above question in tittle may confusude you? The Roster usually can crow. Itis uncommon that a hen can crow. Some Roster crow in the morning to wake up the owner or other people. You must have read the lazy man or drunked ma throw a sandals or shoes to make the crow silent. 

Well, some hen can crow. The crowed hen is good for the female stock of bekisar chicken. They believe the crowed hen can descent to the kid or Ayam Bekisar. The hen crow is shorter than the rosters. I have raise a hen of ayam ketawa or laughing chicken. She has short crow that I like it. 

The hen alsonsome eggs. I guess she lay at least 8+10. Unfortunately, I have no rosters so the egg is infertile. The hen is also beautiful with brown buff feathered and yellow shank. There is a single folded comb. Actually, the hen woild be paired with golden feather local chicken. The space is so limited that is difficult to build the coop at my house. 

The hen crow is rerel but it is not special. The chicken lover does not find the hen crower except the bekisar breeder who fond of the crowed he n. The crowed hen cannot be participated in crowing chicken contest. The oartcipat of Contes must be rosters.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

What looks Red Jungle Fowl Likes

What is the different of the jungle fowl to common fowl? My mother said that the feet or shank of the jungle fowl is black. At the time , I imagine the red jungle fowl was bantam. I had opinion that bantam eas the Jungle Fowl. My mother also add the description of the jungle fowl is so shorter than common chicken. 

My mother lived at village where her father have duty as wedana (major in English). She said the forest had so many wild animal such as Elephant, Tiger, Deer, Mouse Deer., and so on. She had are some deer meat that is very delicious. Cergay she also said there were so many ted jungle fowl Gallus Bankiva. I forgot what my mother said about the color of the Jungle Fowl.

Ini Sumatra, there is only one kind of jungle fowl, i.e. Red Jungle Fowl. The color of the roster is black breasted red. The dominant color is red. Actually the red is not actually red blood but red orange. The lower body from the front of neck to the tails is black irisdicent greent. That is  color of the parent of all chicken. Perhaps this most iconic color for chicken . 

Today, we can find some various ancestor. The size and shape is various. The smallest bantam is very light, compare to giant Brazilian Chicken Indio Gigante. There are some chicken that still similiar with is ancestor like the chicken in this blog post. The chicken color and body is similar to the ancestor. We called its ayam kampung. Some Ayam Kampung similiar to its ancestor. They have some color and the comb. Certainly, they cannot fly like the Jungle fowl but they can jump. They also produce more egg and meat. 

Sometimes , I ask my self. Why some chicken in human house. Were the chicken voluntarily go to the human. Well, some chicken still in jungle and enjoy live at there. Were the human catch the chicken and detained the chicken ini the coop ? We do not know well about it. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Cross the Spotted Dove With Fan Tail pigeon

I have ever raise Spotted Dove (Spilopoa Chinese) in my  house. Most of them released from my bird cage . This bird is the family of rock dove too. It is a common practice to cross the bird with common pigeon or rock dove. The result is spotted dove that is more tame than the spotted dove. The hybrid is also bugger than the spotted but the sound is louder than thespitted dove.

The spotted dove also cross to Eurasian Ring Neck Pigeon that also result the better bird. Either The spotted and Ring Neck are nervous. They may hit the cage when you approach them. 

I wonder to cross the Spotted with Indian Fan Tail Pigeon or American Pigeon Tail that result amazing Fan Tail Spotted dove. I have not found the spotted Dove Fan Tail. It must be rare breed and it must be expensive. 

I am very doubt to produce it because the fan tail is a recessive gen. I have heard that cross common pigeon to the fantail result the hybrid that is similiar to common pigeon. It must be difficult to get the fan tail from the pigeon. 

Perhaps cross the hybrid with the fab tail pigeon may produce the fan tail too. I do not know . Perhaps one day I should try it. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Cross local chicken to US Standard Chicken

My country is is not a  developed country as United States or other country which has chicken standard. In other words, our country is under deliver country. I amazed that United States has dozen standard Chicken. I believe my country Indonesia where the home of the parents of All Chicken Red Jungle fowl has so many breed chicken. Unfortunately, we have no standard for the chicken. Indonesia has Most expensive Chicken Cemani and the big beautiful song crower Pelung. 

With limited scientist , we develop some breed of chicken but we do not have standard of the chicken so the outside use our chicken and claim as a new breed. Unfortunately, for the Indonesian people who do not make some standard for its Chicken. 

Some chicken owner also , cross the chicken . I also have the Sebrught bantam that is crossed to local native bantam. I suspect the chicken is sterile. The roster cannot produce any chick. I heard from the genetics expert that some Cross breed cannot produce the kid. That is why you should be careful when cross the chicken to make a new breed. 

I also join the hybrid chicken group in Facebook. The group is a market pace for crossbreed chicken. I saw there some unique chicken and it is a new opportunity of a business. The price is higher than the common or standard breed of chicken.

Last days, I saw two big rosters that I suspected it crossbreed. I estimate those two buff chicken is descent of Rhode Island. In my country there some chicken breed that is similiar to Rhodes Island Breed such as Ayam Merawang from Bangka and Ayam Nununkan from Kalimantan . 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Raise Chicken in Graveyard

Previous post, I write about rasing chicken on filed that is dangerous. The field contain toxic material that could harm for the chicken. Either meat or egg of the chicken must be not health. Beside field, some chicken also live in graveyard. 

The owner whi has house near graveyard release the chicken or at least let the chicken play at the gravel. There is no law that forbid chicken or the chicken owner release the chicken at graveyard. 

I am worried there soen bad or negative effect from it. The graveyard usually a clean place. Unlike a field. There is no rubbish at there. The chicken just disturb the people who pilgrim to the graveyard. The chicken also release the manure at the graveyard that may bad for some people.

The graveyard is a little forrest for city where's there some tree at there. The tree cover the graveyard and it also a house for some little things such as insect and worm that the chicken like it. 

In my country there is no rule that forbid the chicken. The chicken canbenter the graveyard anytime they like. Certainly, the owner must be rong due allow or release the chicken near the graveyard that allow the chicken enter and make manure on it. I believe in some country the owner get fine or jailed. The owner that release chicken to the park or some kind of it must be punished. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Rumpless or tailless chicken

Chicken without tail feather must be weird chicken. This chicken unique due to the chicken has no tail. Do not generalize the chicken with short tail. The rumpless really has no tail. 

The rumpless phenomenal could happen because the genetical mutation that change the performance of the chicken. Without a tail, the chicken is not complete. The function of the tail is a brake when it fly. Some domestic chicken has flying ability and the tail function could help the chicken to stop in certain distance. 

The rumpless may not attract most chicken lovet. Do the lack of tails. Tha absence of its tail reduce the performance of the chicken. Some chickenbhas beautiful long tail that is very expensive. However, few chicken lover must like the chicken. 

The rumpless could occur in any chicken breed . I do not believe the rumpless occur in jungle fowl because it must be difficult for the chicken live without tail in jungle. They have to fly at the jungle. 

The most chicken breed that has so many rumpless is Araucana. The Aracauna that lays green egg show the tall least .

Do it worry the rumpless is recessive genetics. You must difficult to find this bird. You can get the rumpless only when you mate the rumpless chicken or two chicken that has rumpless genetics. 

You may read other post 

Bald Chciken

Frizzle Chicken