Friday, August 23, 2024

Raise Chicken in Graveyard

Previous post, I write about rasing chicken on filed that is dangerous. The field contain toxic material that could harm for the chicken. Either meat or egg of the chicken must be not health. Beside field, some chicken also live in graveyard. 

The owner whi has house near graveyard release the chicken or at least let the chicken play at the gravel. There is no law that forbid chicken or the chicken owner release the chicken at graveyard. 

I am worried there soen bad or negative effect from it. The graveyard usually a clean place. Unlike a field. There is no rubbish at there. The chicken just disturb the people who pilgrim to the graveyard. The chicken also release the manure at the graveyard that may bad for some people.

The graveyard is a little forrest for city where's there some tree at there. The tree cover the graveyard and it also a house for some little things such as insect and worm that the chicken like it. 

In my country there is no rule that forbid the chicken. The chicken canbenter the graveyard anytime they like. Certainly, the owner must be rong due allow or release the chicken near the graveyard that allow the chicken enter and make manure on it. I believe in some country the owner get fine or jailed. The owner that release chicken to the park or some kind of it must be punished. 

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