Friday, April 26, 2024

La Fleche : Horn like comb Black Chicken From French

 La Fleche Chicken 

I have never saw any chicken that have horn like comb in my country. i just saw it from internet. Some Poland chicken also have unique horn-like comb or V shaped chicken. Due its big ball crest, the v shaped on Poland Chicken is less visible. on the other hand, you can see the clearly of v shaped comb in La Flenche Chicken. 

The chicken is medium size or moderate size, meaning this breed is suitable for meat and egg production. the hen can lays medium size egg 150-200 egg a year. Well, some chicken can lay up to 250 egg a year. 

The chicken is only available in black feather only. Its contrast with red blood wattle and white earlobes. in my opinion the face is almost Andalusia white face. Certainly, the white color in this chicken is small part in its face. 

La Fleche was a dual purpose chicken breed. Today people raise it as show chickens only. The bird is rare. Perhaps people prefer to other breed that can produce more egg and meat. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

My chicken plucks its own feather


I feel so pity my chicken pluck its own feather. It also eats the feather. I feel so guilty to see my chicken done it. Is suspect I have some mistake in raising them. Well, I raise in large enough coop. the air is so fresh but I cannot guarantee the air quality of my town is good. There are so many factory and vehicles that make the air is so bad.

Raise a chicken or some chicken in my house is not suitable. The weather is so hot. It sunny season and the rain is so low. The extreme of weather make the chicken pluck their own feather.

Actually, the house is little. We are lack of the free space. I dream someday I have large enough house where I can raise two or three chicken at there.

There is some reason why chicken pluck their own feather. One reason is mites and parasites. The mites make the chicken discomfort. The chicken plucks the feather in order to remove the mites from its feather.

Some chicken just gets one kind of chicken feed that is lack of nutrients. They chicken eat its feather in order to fulfil the nutrient need. The owner should provide various chicken feed or they can raise the chicken at free range that provide so many chicken feed. At the limited place, a chicken just receive food from it’s own master. Sometimes we find the owner just feed them with rice or pollard only.

Live in limited place also make the chicken bore. They become stressed. The chicken usually lives in a group or pen, where they can interact to other and it make them happy. With limited place they can go to anywhere and find some food out there. Plucking its own feather make them have a job to reduce its stress. Certainly, it hurt them.

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The Symtomps of Avian Flu

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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Mugellese or Muginesse Chicken from Italy


Mugellese or Muginesse is a chicken from Italia It come from North Eastern Florence. The natural breed of the chicken its unknown. Either Roster or hen weighs below one kilogram or two pounds. The weighs approximately 0,8 (1,8 lb) for the roster and 0,7 kilogram (1,5 lb) from rosters. This is small chicken breed that we know as bantam.

Though the chicken small, the roster is aggressive to another roster. That is why you do not have to put another roster is a coop of the chicken. The hen is good sitters and ivory white chicken egg. It good to your backyard.

The chicken colour is wheaten or black breasted red while the female is wheaten colour.  The skin is white and the leg are pale blue.

The chicken is dual purpose chicken. You can get either fresh meat or egg.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Araucana Profile : The Blue-Green Layer from South America


I saw my brother in law lays the green and blue shelled egg. I though the chicken unique. In a term of time, we suspected the chicken is a Burma descent that lays green eggs. 

In western country, a famous of the blue-green egg layer is Araucana. this chicken come from chili, south American. This egg is valuable due its unique and use as the Easter egg. The chicken is also developed in United States that is called Ameraucana. 

The chicken has eat tuft that make the chicken unique look. The are available in black, white, and blue shades plumage. some chicken also "suffers" lack of tail or rumples. it makes they look short. 

The chicken has small pea comb. so not worry the chicken got frostbite. the chickens is suitable for cold region due the chicken comes from cold region too. 

The chicken medium size, Roster weighs 2,7-3,2 kilogram while hen weighs 2,2-2,7 kilogram. Bantam is much lighter, weighing 740 to 850 g for roster and 680-790 g. 

This chicken is an exhibited chicken , either rumples or tailed (the chicken with tail). it may good too for your backyard too. 

Image by Kasjan Farbisz from Pixabay

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