Sunday, June 2, 2024

how to give sign to your free range chicken

In my country people raise the chicken in fre range. In urban city such as Jakarta people still raise the chicken in free range.  Actually, the capital government has forbid raise chicken since the avian influence came. The citizen should slaughter that chicken ithey can send to the capital government. There is no other rule that retreat the law so the status still forbidden, meaning Jakarta citizen is not allowed raise chicken 

However people still raise chicken.  sometimes the chicken change. We are difficult to identify our chicken . Certainly, the other people also difficult to identify the chicken . That is why the people should sign the chicken. Off course , you do not have to use hot iron to. Make sign. On your chicken . My mother just cut its tail to make our chicken different to other. Off course in a month the chicken rail recover back. This way is not effective or what my mother donde was not effective. 

Some people tied the wong with factory. It does not harmful for chicken. The factory make the chicken different to other. The owner can claim. The chicken. This way is not hindered percent effective but it decrease the probability the chicken changed with other chicken. We can recognize the chicken from other people chicken. 

The chicken that is reiase in free range is not expensive but cheap. You can but it by providing $ 10 only. So this chicken just for table chicken only. Do not ask the hygiene of the chicken. They live in fre range that is contain of rubbish. We do not know any rubbish at the rubbish place. 

For the show chicken or game chicken, the owner would not release the chicken in free range. They take the chicken carefully. They provide limited range and always guard the chicken.


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