Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mutation in chicken produce some unique chicken

Gallus gallus bankiva or red jungle fowl is the ancestor of most domesticated chicken in the world. Have been domesticated by people, some chicken psychic is changed. A domesticated chicken cannot fly as the ancestor does. The domesticated chicken has different feather, weight, toes and comb. The gene might change by human threat.

photo by: fireflythegreat

Some people care it because the mutation is very unique. The mutation of chicken are:

Crested head

Some domesticated chicken also has crested behind the comb. The crested is not beautiful.

Frizzle or Curly feather

Like human, some chicken has curl feather. The feather cannot cover the chicken skin. It generates to descendant too. Some people think the chicken goes to bridal and salon.

Silky feather

A common hen sometimes has silky feather chick. It is a mutation too. Some norm chicken has silky hair like Chinese silky bantam. The tail feather is not perfect and short.

Bantam or dwarf

Dwarf is the shorter chicken than the parent. It could happen because the egg is small or the child suffer a disease. In Malaysia, Breeder cross breed some bantam to get smaller chicken. They also limit the diet so the chicken become shorter.

Five toes

A normal chicken has four toes. Some chicken also has five toes: four in front and one in back although the parent has four toes.

Sharp feather

Some chicken has sharp feather like sword. The feather is similar with sharp porcupine hair. Same like curly, the sharp feather cannot cover chicken skin. The hen is difficult to hatch her eggs.


This is the naked chicken because it has no feather. The featherless must be sensitive with sunny or cold. Eating this chicken is very easy because we do not have to remove the feather.


Some chicken has no tail so the chicken looks strange. The saddle plumage cover the chicken bottom. Tailless chicken looks shorter than common chicken. When the chicken walk, It looks like a clown who has big bottom.

Some people like the mutation chicken. They take care for it to get a new strain.


  1. Just a suggestion... before posting a blog. Check your facts. Why? Because otherwise you just continue to spread false truths.

    There are MANY in this publication. I raise chickens, including many of the breeds and types you mentioned above. One example... Restricting food intake does NOT create a bantam. That creates a stunted bird that doesn't lay well. That trait is also clearly not hereditary and therefore would not have any bearing on the size of the bird. The reality was that they selected small individuals which met the standard that they were looking for and over a period of subsequent generations were able to breed for small and smaller birds by selective breeding. Not stunting.

    You also state that some of the birds are not attractive. Why attractiveness is HIGHLY subjective I must point out that considering the fact that many of the breeds that you called "not beautiful" are in fact the most popular pet and showing breeds world wide so based on their huge popularity and massive fan base... I most people would tend to disagree with your opinion on their beauty.

  2. Thanks for the comment. I admit that I am very subjective to write the blog.
