Sunday, June 30, 2024

My pair bantam did not produce any chick

Dozen years ago, I had a pair of bantam. The bantam is descent of Sebrught Bantam. The breeder cross the Sebrught with the local or native bantam. I do not know whether tey used Sebrught Rosters or Sebrught Hen. 

The rosters is so handsome with yellow golden color . There are sickle tail feather that different to the Sebrught. All of Sebrught has no sickle feather. Less than a month , the whetaen with white spot died. I am very sad at the time. 

Few month later , I bought white bantam hen
 This hen ia older than the rosters. I hope the hen lays so many eggs. Later the hen lays egg but the roster eat the egg and also the hen. My uncle said that the chicken live in limited space. My uncle who also barber is an experienced chicken breeder. He risen so many chicken especially game chicken. Yes , I just have limited spaces that is not appropriate with the chicken. In free range, he can jump and fly. My rosters has ability to fly too. After month, he never fly again in my house. 

Beside, the space, there are some reason the chicken do not produce the chicken though it's still lays some eggs. The younger rosters that is inexperienced in mating also cannot fertilize the egg. The owner should wait patiently untuk the chicken grow. Is suspected my rosters was young. I estimate the age is half year. Some literature said that the rosters should at least age a year. 

The problem is also insufficient nutrient. Feeding them with bad qualityor low quality chicken feed make your chicken difficulty lay eggs. Moreover, the chicken live in small spaces. They cannot finding any food such as insectz grass, or weed. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

crested Guinea Fowl the bare naked Guinea Fowl

This is the unique fowl. Like the brother guinea fowl. The crested is unique. In my opinion the bare naked fowl similar to the bare naked chicken from Asia or Europe. The Guinea fowl is identical to black with dense white spot. The crested is the fowl that have backward creatwd that the crested similar to chicken crested 

There at least three aub species of c

The crested. The distribution ia East Africa, Central Afrva and South Africa. The chicken has blue skin in the neck that is similar to Kasoari. The blue pale color make this bird very uniquem the feet is alim and also . They live at sub Sahara, Savanna, forest land, they eat grain , smallani nsect, grass and small animal. They are controller of small insect. 

This bird live in a flock. They forage together in savanna. 


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Maltese Pigeon Tall pigeon with its unique body

This bird is not similar to common rock pigeon (Columba Livia). This bird have elongated and slender body like chicken . Of course, the pigeon has more upright body than Chicken. The bird has boxy looks. 

The neck is long and so the body of the pigeon. They length reach 15-19 inches or 38-48 cm. They are available min brown, pied, black, and Blue

This bird is dedicated for fancy bird. The Maltese is docile and they are calm. They is why this bird fits for fancy pigeon. 

Maltese is not Malta Island Origin like other people said. This is a hybrid some various fancy pigeon breed. This bird are believed developed in 19th century. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The manouvre of roller pigeon.

The roller is not popular in my country. the pigeon lover loves high flyer pigeon. As the pigeon fly high . The pigeon better. There are some contesst of high fly but I am curious that the contest is connected to gambling. The pigeon that first come to the target and fly high is the winner. The price reach $10,000, compared to common the high flying that is only $10. 

Back to roller. Only few people that raise the pigeon. The roller is imported from outside. We do not recognize the roller in my country. I just saw the bird from television or YouTube that the bird can roll and roll back either in air or in the land. The parlor roller is a pigeon breed that can tumbling either in air or in the ground. But they like to tumb on the ground. Meanwhile the Birmingham roller only show back roll manouvre in air only. 

The roller is an adaptation behaviour of the bird to evade from the Buzzard Attack. The Buzzard has high speed and easily caught the pigeon with is speed. Therefore the roller can manouvre to evade from the Buzzard Claw. 

This adaptation does not appear in Pigeon in our country. Perhaps the Buzzard is different in my country. The pigeon also not need to hide from a buzzard. 

There is contest in roller pigeon. The owner whistling the bird and the pigeons start rolling in sky. What a beautiful movement. I amazed the bird can understand the order of its boss.

This bird is not different to rock dove. The bird has short face that is sometimes called shirt face tumbler. The beaks is so short. I think the short face is adaptable psychical of the bird. We can say only the short face that has ability roll. 

I was so wrong . The roller is not adaptable way to evade from Buzzard. The roller movement may make the Buzzard disorient but the pigeon also suffer disorient that may get caught by the Buzzard. This bird are dedicated for hobbyist only that is why you should careful to raise the bird especially your house have so many pigeon's enemy. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

how to give sign to your free range chicken

In my country people raise the chicken in fre range. In urban city such as Jakarta people still raise the chicken in free range.  Actually, the capital government has forbid raise chicken since the avian influence came. The citizen should slaughter that chicken ithey can send to the capital government. There is no other rule that retreat the law so the status still forbidden, meaning Jakarta citizen is not allowed raise chicken 

However people still raise chicken.  sometimes the chicken change. We are difficult to identify our chicken . Certainly, the other people also difficult to identify the chicken . That is why the people should sign the chicken. Off course , you do not have to use hot iron to. Make sign. On your chicken . My mother just cut its tail to make our chicken different to other. Off course in a month the chicken rail recover back. This way is not effective or what my mother donde was not effective. 

Some people tied the wong with factory. It does not harmful for chicken. The factory make the chicken different to other. The owner can claim. The chicken. This way is not hindered percent effective but it decrease the probability the chicken changed with other chicken. We can recognize the chicken from other people chicken. 

The chicken that is reiase in free range is not expensive but cheap. You can but it by providing $ 10 only. So this chicken just for table chicken only. Do not ask the hygiene of the chicken. They live in fre range that is contain of rubbish. We do not know any rubbish at the rubbish place. 

For the show chicken or game chicken, the owner would not release the chicken in free range. They take the chicken carefully. They provide limited range and always guard the chicken.