Sunday, June 30, 2024

My pair bantam did not produce any chick

Dozen years ago, I had a pair of bantam. The bantam is descent of Sebrught Bantam. The breeder cross the Sebrught with the local or native bantam. I do not know whether tey used Sebrught Rosters or Sebrught Hen. 

The rosters is so handsome with yellow golden color . There are sickle tail feather that different to the Sebrught. All of Sebrught has no sickle feather. Less than a month , the whetaen with white spot died. I am very sad at the time. 

Few month later , I bought white bantam hen
 This hen ia older than the rosters. I hope the hen lays so many eggs. Later the hen lays egg but the roster eat the egg and also the hen. My uncle said that the chicken live in limited space. My uncle who also barber is an experienced chicken breeder. He risen so many chicken especially game chicken. Yes , I just have limited spaces that is not appropriate with the chicken. In free range, he can jump and fly. My rosters has ability to fly too. After month, he never fly again in my house. 

Beside, the space, there are some reason the chicken do not produce the chicken though it's still lays some eggs. The younger rosters that is inexperienced in mating also cannot fertilize the egg. The owner should wait patiently untuk the chicken grow. Is suspected my rosters was young. I estimate the age is half year. Some literature said that the rosters should at least age a year. 

The problem is also insufficient nutrient. Feeding them with bad qualityor low quality chicken feed make your chicken difficulty lay eggs. Moreover, the chicken live in small spaces. They cannot finding any food such as insectz grass, or weed. 

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