Sunday, June 23, 2024

crested Guinea Fowl the bare naked Guinea Fowl

This is the unique fowl. Like the brother guinea fowl. The crested is unique. In my opinion the bare naked fowl similar to the bare naked chicken from Asia or Europe. The Guinea fowl is identical to black with dense white spot. The crested is the fowl that have backward creatwd that the crested similar to chicken crested 

There at least three aub species of c

The crested. The distribution ia East Africa, Central Afrva and South Africa. The chicken has blue skin in the neck that is similar to Kasoari. The blue pale color make this bird very uniquem the feet is alim and also . They live at sub Sahara, Savanna, forest land, they eat grain , smallani nsect, grass and small animal. They are controller of small insect. 

This bird live in a flock. They forage together in savanna. 


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