Sunday, July 28, 2024

Raise Chicken in landfill

 i took the photo at the landfill, where there is a lot waste and rubiish on there. this place is a transift before any rubbish dump in final place. there are so many plastic that you can see at the photo. you must be difficult to find any chicken in this photo. 

It is common prcatice in underdeveloped country to raise chicken or cattle in landfill. it is cheaper than raise chicken in the flock. 

There are some risk raise chicken in the landfil such as: 

1. disease transmition. the landfill is full of disease. the chicken eat the rubbish may bring some danger diseases such as salmonellea and avian flu

2.the lack of nutrition . rubbish is bad food and lack of nutirion. 

3. i believe there is such toxic in landfill. the pestiside can kill the chciken. 

4. the chicken also spread the waste. they use the feed to find but it spread the waste 

5. Either the Meat and the egg is not health. what chicken eat influence the meat and egg quality. 

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