Friday, September 22, 2023

When the chicken release from the mother?

 Until today, the village people in my country still use the traditional farm. They hatch some eggs and eats some eggs. They do not use incubator machine to hatch the eggs, the owner does not separate the chicken after hatch but they let the chicken stay with its mother until they grow ups.

The chicken need warms from its mother because they do not have complete feather. The thick feather cannot protect from the cold and rainy day. The chick also need food. I remember I must break the rice so the chicken able to eat the grain. Most the chicken feed at the backyard is big and the small chicken it’s not able to eat the bigger grain. The mother will break the grain into small pieces. There also some weed, grass and insect in backyard and the mother hunt the cricket and feed them. The mother is bird but it does not overfeed the chick like other birds. The mother also protects from the predator.

After the chicken grow, the mother expels the chicken. They lay some egg again clutch. When the mother separates its chick. I guess after the chicken have full plumage that can protect. It s about two or three month. The chick will make a flock and they also separate from its brother or sister. The owner may sell some chick to the neighbor or other people. Some also slaughter for the owner. When celebrate something, we slaughter the chicken to celebrate something like new born, wedding, the graduation, enter the house, and so many. Some house also slaughter chicken in order to respect their guess.

Sometime a hen also expels the chicken early when they got disturb from the owner. Sometimes unwise owner holds the chick and the hen does not want to herd the chicken again.

Raise the hen with its chicken may no profitable for the company but for family it is profitable. They do not have to buy incubator machine and provide the special flock for the chick. They just release to backyard.

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